vendredi 27 avril 2007

ssh tunnel gui gnome tunnel manager

clipped from
Manage SSH Tunnels with Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager
gSTM, the Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager, is a front-end for managing SSH-tunneled port redirects. It stores tunnel configurations in a simple XML format. The tunnels, with local and remote port redirections, can be created, deleted, modified, and individually started and stopped through one simple interface. It is useful for anyone wanting to securely access private services over an encrypted tunnel.

Install Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager in Ubuntu

First you need to download the .deb package from here using the following command


Once you have the gstm_1.2_i386.deb package you need to install this using the following command

sudo dpkg -i gstm_1.2_i386.deb

This will complete the installation.

If you want to open this application go to Applications—>Internet—>gSTM
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