mercredi 23 juillet 2008
remote desktop linux
mardi 22 juillet 2008
Text & Clipart - capturing text GIF or the PNG format screen capture a regular window use the PNG format. Videos & Photographs - still image screenshot of a video always go with JPG i Regular Desktop Windows |
speedup BT
mercredi 14 mai 2008
Liste de jeux commerciaux ---gratuits!
samedi 10 mai 2008
Mon ISP me surveille-t-il?
améliorer l'appareil photo canon
vendredi 4 avril 2008
Bit torrrents tricks
jeudi 27 mars 2008
ssh authentication on debian
jeudi 20 mars 2008
Un petit potager
vendredi 14 mars 2008
Fix desynchro with vlc
In the VLC Preferences, click on Audio and then tick the Advanced options checkbox; there is an Audio desynchronization compensation setting that allows you to set a positive or negative time delay between the video and audio tracks in milliseconds. I find unsynchronized video/audio unbearable, and have been known to delete files without watching them for it. It never occurred to me that there would be such a simple solution!
mercredi 27 février 2008
wikipedia caserne
Free WAMP server software and MediaWiki Install MediaWiki, the software that powers Wikipedia. Configure MediaWiki. Visit your brand, spankin' new personal wiki at http://localhost/mywikipedia/. |
personal wiki
mardi 26 février 2008
Network diagnostic tool on ubuntu server
vendredi 22 février 2008
your wii as media center
get a better idea of what Orb can do for your Wii.
jeudi 24 janvier 2008
turn any content in netvibes
jeudi 17 janvier 2008
Access linux partition from Windows