vendredi 27 avril 2007

ssh tunnel gui gnome tunnel manager

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Manage SSH Tunnels with Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager
gSTM, the Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager, is a front-end for managing SSH-tunneled port redirects. It stores tunnel configurations in a simple XML format. The tunnels, with local and remote port redirections, can be created, deleted, modified, and individually started and stopped through one simple interface. It is useful for anyone wanting to securely access private services over an encrypted tunnel.

Install Gnome SSH Tunnel Manager in Ubuntu

First you need to download the .deb package from here using the following command


Once you have the gstm_1.2_i386.deb package you need to install this using the following command

sudo dpkg -i gstm_1.2_i386.deb

This will complete the installation.

If you want to open this application go to Applications—>Internet—>gSTM
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déploiement parc hétérogène

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Articles : Le déploiement d'application facilité avec LSC

Le LSC permet d'automatiser les déploiements d'applications et de correctifs sur un parc informatique hétérogène.

Complètement intégré dans une interface Web d'administration (webmin), le LSC vous permet de surveiller l'état d'avancement d'une tâche de déploiement, et de vous assurer facilement et rapidement de son succès.

Comme le LSC est basé sur des standards ouverts et sûrs comme OpenSSH, le déploiement peut se faire sur des PCs utilisant Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Linux et BSDs.

En plus des sources et des .deb, une image ISO auto-installable et une image VMware sont disponibles en téléchargement afin de tester facilement ces nouvelles fonctionnalités.
  • [en]
    Téléchargement iso/image vmware (66 hits)
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    GTD with tracks

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    What is tracks?

    Full screen screenshot of TracksTracks is a web-based application to help you implement David Allen’s Getting Things Done™ methodology. It was built using Ruby on Rails, and comes with a built-in webserver (WEBrick), so that you can run it on your own computer if you like. It can be run on any platform on which Ruby can be installed, including Mac OS X, Windows XP and Linux. Tracks is Open Source, free and licensed under the GNU GPL.

    Flexible views of your actions

    Quick and easy adding of new actions

    Getting yourself organised

    Getting everyone organised

    Getting informed

    Getting Tracks

    Tracks can either be downloaded as a .zip file (see the download link in the sidebar), or you can get the latest tagged release using Subversion. The Subversion URL is listed on the Downloads page, and you need to use the username and password ‘guest’:

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    jeudi 26 avril 2007

    mercredi 25 avril 2007

    Recover data LVM with knoppix

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    Recover Data From RAID1 LVM Partitions With Knoppix Linux LiveCD

    This tutorial describes how to rescue data from a single hard disk that was part of a LVM2 RAID1 setup like it is created by e.g the Fedora Core installer. Why is it so problematic to recover the data? Every single hard disk that formerly was a part of a LVM RAID1 setup contains all data that was stored in the RAID, but the hard disk cannot simply be mounted. First, a RAID setup must be configured for the partition(s) and then LVM must be set up to use this (these) RAID partition(s) before you will be able to mount it. I will use the Knoppix Linux LiveCD to do the data recovery.

    I used a Knoppix 5.1 LiveCD for this tutorial. Download the CD ISO image from here and burn it on CD, then connect the hard disk which contains the RAID partition(s) to the IDE / ATA controller of your mainboard, put the Knoppix CD in your CD drive and boot from the CD.

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    lundi 23 avril 2007

    Transfer big files

    Send large files to anyone in the world for Free. It's
    easy, just follow these steps:
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    os en ligne

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  • Wadgetos : chat, calculatrice et navigateur. Les applications sont limitées et le design est digne de windows 3.1.
  • Youos : Il s’agit de l’interface la plus proche de EyeOs, même si elle est bien moins aboutie. Elle dispose des applications suivantes :

    • Chat - Messagerie instantannée interne aux utilisateurs Youos

    • FlickRSS - Affiche des images flickr en fonction d’un tag donné

    • Write - Un éditeur de texte relativement sommaire.

    • TubeRss - Affiche les dernières mises à jour de Youtube

    • YouBrowser - Navigateur Internet dépourvu de toute fonctionnalité (même “page précédente” n’est pas prévue)

    • YouBuddy - Une messagerie instantannée entre utilisateurs de Youos

    • YouFiles - un gestionnaire de fichiers fonctionnant avec des tags

    • YouMail - Un client mail interne

  • YouShell - Un shell façon unix
  • YouOs présente un aspect intéressant : Il est soutenu pas une belle communauté de “programmeurs - bidouilleurs” qui proposent beaucoup de petites applications à installer.
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    Desktop on demand with 1 GB free

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    What is Desktop On Demand (DOD)? Think of it as an
    online version of your personal computer, and then some.

    Do the things you'd expect to do on a computer - surf the web, deal with email, edit and save documents and photos, download stuff, play music and games, customise the look and feel, and more.

    Now add to this the ability to access your desktop and content securely from just about anywhere, transfer and store as much data as you need for as long you need, encrypt, share and stream files and even collaborate on-the-fly and you have a good feel for what DOD is all about.

    We also start you off with 1GB of free disk space.

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    jeudi 19 avril 2007

    GTD with Thinking rock

    Get things done with ThinkingRock

    The Getting Things Done (GTD) method of time management is one of the simplest methods I've found, but until recently I hadn't had much luck in finding any Linux-compatible applications to help me stick to using GTD. A few weeks ago I stumbled on ThinkingRock, a Java-based app for following the GTD methodology, and tried it out. I've been pleased with its simplicity and ease of use.

    To get started with ThinkingRock you'll need to grab the appropriate package and have Sun Java installed. The Linux build includes a shell script to fire up ThinkingRock; see the install instructions. ThinkingRock is not released under a free software license, but it is freely distributable, and the creators have indicated that it may be relicensed when the 2.0 version is released.

    ThinkingRock is not your everyday task manager. If you're not into the Getting Things Done method of task management, ThinkingRock will feel more than a little awkward.

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    mercredi 18 avril 2007

    Recovery cd Best-of

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    Find Vista product key

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    Need to save or write down the Windows Vista product key on your current PC? A beta version 2.0 of the previously-mentioned Magical Jelly Bean Key Finder app has been released, which reveals the product keys for Windows Vista, Microsoft Office 2007, other Windows apps and even dead Windows installations.

    When you run the Key Finder, it will automatically display the keys for common apps, as pictured. To check a dead Windows install, from the menu choose "Load Hive" and point it at the Windows installation directory. This one's a must-have for those of you who, ahem, lost your original install disks.

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